Sound Therapy Instructions

• Find a comfortable space with no distractions. Turn off your phone notifications.

• You may listen sitting or lying down on your back. It is important to keep your back straight.

• Listen with headphones. Ideally not with bluetooth headphones. It is important that each ear receives its own sound input.

• The volume does not have to be loud. Adjust according to your comfort level.

• It is recommended to listen with your eyes closed.

• Pay attention to any sounds that arise: ringing in your ears, hallucinations, songs you have memorized.

• Listen with your body. Where in your body do you hear these sounds?

• At the end of the composition there is a few minutes of silence followed by a bell. The bell indicates the end of the composition. The silence is important for integration. Keep listening to the silence. Do you hear any sounds? Do you hear echos of the composition arise in the silence? Do you hear ringing in your ears?

• Listen everyday for two weeks.

• Please do not listen to the sound therapy compositions while driving or using machinery.